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Rubber Wheels for Any Type of Moving Job

pneumatic4Customers shopping for moving supplies are almost always certain to pick up cardboard boxes, tape, markers, bubble wrap, and a number of other products designed to keep their equipment safe. One thing that often is overlooked, however, is the type of caster used to transport equipment throughout a facility, and even onto a moving truck if the equipment is moving between two different physical locations. When it’s time to make a big move, the caster simply should not be overlooked.

In most cases, the best way to ensure that equipment or furniture remains intact during a move is to choose a rubber caster wheel for the job. These wheels are specifically designed to keep equipment safe during particularly trying times, and they come with a number of features that will provide added peace of mind to business owners during the process.

For Shock Absorption, Nothing Beats Rubber Wheels

One of the best qualities of rubber wheels is that they’re more easily able to absorb the shocks and jolts experienced during equipment or furniture during a move. With today’s highly developed industrial equipment, office furniture, and other items, that can mean the difference between an uneventful move and one that causes significant damage to the internal hardware and computer parts in most machines or other pieces of equipment.

Rubber wheels are a bit softer than other materials, and this helps a move proceed more easily. Of course, everything from cars to golf carts depends on rubber to deliver a smooth and enjoyable ride to passengers. Why wouldn’t it be the best choice of equipment?

Rubber Wheels Make Things Just a Bit Easier to Move

In addition to providing an added layer of protection for equipment during a big move, rubber wheels also allow for easier transportation of furniture and equipment by employees or movers. That’s because these wheels are the perfect blend between hard and soft materials, making it easy for equipment to be rolled across smooth floors, carpet, and uneven surfaces alike.

When it’s time to move very heavy industrial equipment from one place to another, particularly between different facilities, the choice of a rubber wheel should be a no-brainer for business owners. Its highly durable nature allows it to pair protection with enhanced mobility, and the unique characteristics of rubber allow are to work perfectly on concrete, carpet, and uneven surfaces that are often found in moving vehicles.

Douglas Equipment Can Make the Decision Process Easier

For several decades, Douglas Equipment has been helping commercial, industrial, and residential customers pick the best wheels, casters, and other moving products, for their unique needs. Our long experience and our professional team will make it easy to pick the right rubber wheels for any major move.

Best of all, we offer a firm commitment to our customers both in the form of individual service and low prices that beat our competition. To get started with a big move today, contact us  and see how we can turn the process from a potential headache into an opportunity to beat expectations and keep equipment intact.